Due to increasing interest in natural vanillin, two enzymatic routes for th
e synthesis of vanillin were developed. The flavoprotein vanillyl alcohol o
xidase (VAO) acts on a wide range of phenolic compounds and converts both c
reosol and vanillylamine to vanillin with high yield. The VAO-mediated conv
ersion of creosol proceeds via a two-step process in which the initially fo
rmed vanillyl alcohol is further oxidized to vanillin. Catalysis is limited
by the formation of an abortive complex between enzyme-bound flavin and cr
eosol. Moreover, in the second step of the process, the conversion of vanil
lyl alcohol is inhibited by the competitive binding of creosol. The VAO-cat
alyzed conversion Of vanillylamine proceeds efficiently at alkaline pH valu
es. Vanillylamine is initially converted to a vanillylimine intermediate pr
oduct, which is hydrolyzed nonenzymatically to vanillin. This route to vani
llin has biotechnological potential as the widely available principle of re
d pepper, capsaicin, can be hydrolyzed enzymatically to vanillylamine.