The work in this paper is a systematic study of the application of collimat
ing and slightly focusing polycapillary optics to the X-ray crystallographi
c structure determination of egg-white lysozyme using two different sources
: a standard rotating anode source and a low-power table-top microfocusing
source. For the rotating anode source, a series of measurements comparing d
uplicate data sets obtained from the same individual crystal are summarized
. Intensity and data quality are discussed for measurements with a pinhole
collimator, a collimating polycapillary optic and a focusing polycapillary
optic. The collected data were analyzed using conventional analysis softwar
e; limitations of the use of conventional analysis software for focused bea
ms are discussed. Two data sets were collected using the low-power source a
nd collimating optics, and three data sets using a lower-power source and f
ocusing optics with three different limiting apertures.