JANA is a computer program for the refinement and analysis of periodic and
aperiodic (incommensurately modulated structures and composite crystals) cr
ystal structures. Here a new module is introduced that allows Rietveld refi
nements against powder diffraction data. It is shown that JANA2000 provides
a state-of-the-art description of the peak profiles. A re-analysis of the
low-temperature structure of (CO)(x)C-60 showed that the application of ico
sahedral symmetry restrictions to the C-60 molecule leads to a better descr
iption of the electron density and to a corrected position of the CO molecu
le as compared with a rigid-body refinement. The incommensurately modulated
structure of NbTe4 has been successfully refined against X-ray powder diff
raction data. The structural parameters are equal to, but less accurate, th
an the parameters obtained from a single-crystal study.