1. We reviewed the use of dung beetles as indicators of environmental chang
e, highlighting the influence of natural forest dynamics on species distrib
utions in primary forest and suggesting new ways in which this can be used
to understand and interpret the effects of disturbance such as logging. The
se ideas were applied to rainforest dung beetle communities in Sabah, Malay
2. Dung beetle samples, using baited pitfall and flight intercept traps, we
re examined from primary, logged and plantation forests. Cluster analysis o
n dung beetle assemblages from primary forest samples showed clear species
associations that had a high degree of fidelity to a particular biotope or
vegetation type. Beetles were grouped into riverine-edge, riverine, interio
r-primary and 'even' (equitable distribution between biotopes) associations
. Although biotope-specific associations were spatially separate in primary
forest, these associations overlapped at forest margins (riverine forest)
and in logged forest (to form 'composite assemblages').
3. Species associations showed different responses to disturbance: the rive
rine association included many species that showed a positive response to a
t least some types of disturbance, whereas others were neutral or negative
in response; the even association species were mostly neutral; the primary
forest associations were almost entirely negative in response.
4. The greatest faunal similarities were found between logged forest and ri
verine assemblages. Diversity was lower in logged compared with primary for
est, and the lowest species richness and diversity were recorded in plantat
ion forest. Small-scale species richness in logged forest was generally hig
her than in individual transects from primary forest due to the presence of
overlapping species ranges (composite assemblages) that were usually spati
ally separate in primary forest. Data suggested that increased species rich
ness at a fine scale does not necessarily mean that species richness is gre
ater at a larger scale, and that species mixing in derived ecosystems is de
pendent on the type of disturbance. Forest management should aim to minimiz
e the mixing of the components of different biotopes, by implementing low i
mpact (i.e. reduced-impact logging) harvesting techniques.