This study explores the moderating effect of social support on the relation
ship between cancer-related intrusive thoughts and quality of life. Sixty-f
our breast cancer survivors completed self-report measures of appraisal soc
ial support (the disclosure of thoughts and feelings to significant others)
, cancer-related intrusive thoughts, and quality of life. Controlling for d
emographic and treatment variables th e negative impact of cancer-related i
ntrusive thoughts on both physical and mental quality of life measures was
moderated by appraisal social support. For women with high levels of apprai
sal support, cancer-related intrusive thoughts had no significant relations
hip with quality of life. However, for women with low levels of appraisal s
upport, the relationship between cancer-related intrusive thoughts and dual
ity of life was significant and negative. These results suggest that apprai
sal social support can mitigate the impact of traumatic life events.