The macroscopic curvature induced in the double helical B-DNA by regularly
repeated adenine tracts (A-tracts) plays an exceptional role in structural
studies of DNA because this effect presents the most well documented exampl
e of sequence specific conformational modulations. Recently, a new hypothes
is of its physical origin has been put forward. According to it, the intrin
sic bends in B-DNA may represent one of the consequences of the compressed
frustrated state of its backbone. The compressed backbone hypothesis agrees
with many data and explains some controversial experimental observations.
The original arguments of this theory came out from MD simulations of a DNA
fragment with a strong bending propensity. Its sequence, however, was not
experimental. It was constructed empirically so as to maximize the magnitud
e of bending in calculations. To make sure that our computations reproduce
the experimental effect we carried out similar simulations with an A-tract
repeat of a natural base pair sequence found in a bent locus of a minicircl
e DNA. We demonstrate spontaneous development of static curvature in the co
urse of MD simulations excluding any initial bias except the base pair sequ
ence. Its direction and magnitude agree with experimental estimates. The re
sults confirm earlier qualitative conclusions and agree with the hypothesis
of a compressed backbone as the origin of static bending in B-DNA.