A compliantly-mounted rigid cylinder was towed at Re = 3 x 10(4), 4.75 diam
eters behind a stationary leading cylinder of the same size. An in-line con
figuration and a 12-degree staggered arrangement each produced large-amplit
ude galloping responses, and an upward extension of the frequency lock-in r
ange to a reduced velocity of at least 17. The frequency lock-in begins at
nearly the same free-stream reduced velocity as a single cylinder, while a
large phase change in the lift force occurs at higher reduced velocities, w
hich can be extrapolated from the single-cylinder lock-in point. Force spec
tra indicate that shedding from the upstream cylinder is completely unaffec
ted by motions of the trailing cylinder. Furthermore, the motion-coupled pe
aks suggest that only one lift force cycle and one or two drag force cycles
occur per oscillation, the latter depending on the offset. (C) 2001 Academ
ic Press.