The virulence of Plasmodium falciparum relative to the other species o
f malarial parasite which infect humans is thought to be due both to t
his parasite's ability to adhere to endothelial cells lining small blo
od vessels and, in some cases, to its ability to form rosetres with un
infected erythrocytes. The latter phenotype has been found more freque
ntly in cases of severe disease. The former property means that only t
he younger, asexual, intra-erythrocytic forms circulate whereas the mo
re mature developmental stages are sequestered in the vasculature of a
variety of organs. When large numbers of parasites accumulate in a vu
lnerable target organ such as the brain, then the life-threatening con
dition of cerebral malaria may result. While the factors that control
whether or not cerebral malaria develops are not clearly defined, one
crucial determinant mag be the endothelial receptors utilised by the i
nfecting isolate. Many such receptors have been identified, including
CD36, thrombospondin, ICAM-1, VCAM, E-selectin and chondroitin-4-sulph
ate. The results of laboratory, field, post-mortem and direct receptor
-binding studies indicate that, of the receptors currently identified,
ICAM-1 binding is most likely to be associated with the development o
f cerebral malaria. The molecule expressed on the surface of the infec
ted erythrocyte which mediates adherence to endothelium belongs to a l
arge family of clonally variable antigens encoded by the var genes. Th
e evidence for this conclusion and progress in defining the regions of
var-gene products responsible for receptor-specific binding are discu
ssed. Finally, the organization of the nai genes within and between pa
rasites is discussed in relation to the evolution of the var-gene fami
ly and its functions of antigenic variation and endothelial adhesion.