In incremental forming, the sheet exhibits a unique pattern of the forming
limit curve. In the present investigation, a forming tool containing a free
ly rotating ball was developed and used to characterize the formability of
fully annealed Al 1050 sheer. Various strain paths were applied to the shee
t by imposing different tool paths and the major and minor strains of defor
med grids around cracks were measured. It was found that the formability of
the sheet shows a distinct dependence on the strain path and appears as a
straight line in the forming limit diagram. The most suitable forming limit
curve for incremental forming was found to be the one that was obtained fr
om a test in which straight paths, with an incremental increase of tool dep
th, were imposed using a square specimen with the fixed periphery. (C) 2001
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.