The present study used work role transitions theory as a guiding framework
for examining changes in survivors' attitudes following an organizational d
ownsizing. A total of 106 managers experiencing a downsizing provided data
regarding organizational commitment, turnover intentions, job involvement,
role clarity, role overload, satisfaction with top management, and satisfac
tion with job security at three different times. Although the: results gene
rally indicated that downsizing had a significant impact on work attitudes,
that the impact varied over time, and that the initial impact was generall
y negative; different patterns of results among the job attitudes studied w
ere also observed. For example, satisfaction with top management increased
across time, while job involvement decreased. Findings also indicated that
changes in role clarity, role overload, satisfaction with top management, a
nd satisfaction with job security were significantly related to changes in
organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Changes in job involveme
nt also moderated several relationships such that. there was a stronger rel
ationship between the independent variable and the outcome variable when jo
b involvement was higher than when job involvement was lower. Theoretical a
nd practical implications of the findings and directions for future researc
h are discussed.