A sample of 200 randomly selected people was surveyed in Santa Cruz County,
California, to investigate the frequency and nature of anticipations of te
lephone calls. Of those surveyed, 78% said that they have had the experienc
e of telephoning someone who said that they were just thinking about teleph
oning them; 47% said that they had had the experience of knowing who was ca
lling them when the phone rang without any possible cue; and 68% said that
they had thought about a person whom they have not seen for a while; who ha
d then telephoned them that same day. A higher proportion of women than men
gave positive answers to these questions. These results are in general agr
eement with 2 previous surveys in England, although there were several sign
ificant differences, which are discussed. These surveys reveal that seeming
ly telepathic experiences in connection with telephone calls are remarkably
common. The authors suggest ways that this phenomenon can be investigated