Backlash against nuclear power although widespread, affected nuclear pouter
programs differently in the United States than in France owing to their di
ffering institutional setups. This article uses a transaction costs economi
cs approach to examine government credible commitment to the French and Ame
rican nuclear power industries. Positive political theory sheds light on th
e comparative institutional environment in each industry. The American comb
ination of fragmented power little reliance on bureaucratic expertise, an i
ndependent judiciary, and opposing interest groups greatly undermines the a
bility of the U.S. government to credibly commit to the nuclear power indus
try. In France, despite substantial anti-nuclear interest groups, the imper
meability of the institutional setup - no division of power, weak judiciary
, and reliance on bureaucratic expertise-effectively prevents activists fro
m influencing policy outcomes. (C) 2001 by the Association for Public Polic
y Analysis and Management.