Objective: This study examined concerns expressed by mothers of children wi
th congenital heart disease (CHD). The relationships among mothers' concern
s, medical severity, and mother's emotional state were examined at two poin
ts in time. Method: Thirty-eight mothers of children with CHD aged 3 to 16
completed semistructured interviews and rating scales during hospitalizatio
n and 2 to 4 weeks after discharge. Mothers rated their distress about illn
ess-related concerns, as well as their own depressed mood and anxiety. Moth
ers and two cardiologists rated the medical severity of each child's diseas
e. Results: Mothers' concerns were reliably grouped into five categories: m
edical prognosis, quality of life, psychosocial functioning, effects on fam
ily, and financial issues. During hospitalization, mothers were most concer
ned about medical prognosis. Distress about most concerns decreased postdis
charge, as did mother's anxiety and depressed mood. Mothers' perceptions of
medical severity were associated with distress about psychosocial issues p
ostdischarge. Mother's anxiety was not associated with number of concerns r
eported, or with distress about those concerns. Maternal depressed mood was
associated with fewer illness-related concerns, but greater distress about
those concerns. Conclusions: Illness-related concerns can be meaningfully
categorized and are not necessarily a function of disease severity or mothe
r's emotional state. An awareness of common concerns will improve clinical
care by enabling practitioners to anticipate and address concerns in a proa
ctive way. The results may inform the development of supportive mental heal
th interventions for families of children with CHD.