Purpose. To review the clinical indications, pathologic results, and succes
s rate of all our sonographically guided solid renal mass biopsies over a 5
-year period. Methods. Between 1993 and 1998, 44 consecutive patients under
went sonographically guided percutaneous biopsy of a solid renal mass. indi
cations included prior history of nonrenal malignancy, metastatic disease o
f unknown primary origin, previous contralateral nephrectomy for a renal ce
ll neoplasm, a renal transplant mass, suspected renal lymphoma, history of
tuberous sclerosis, and poor surgical candidacy. Aspiration biopsies were i
nitially performed with 22- to 18-gauge spinal needles, if the initial cyto
logic evaluation findings were nondiagnostic, core biopsies were then perfo
rmed with 20- to 18-gauge core biopsy guns. Dictated sonographic reports of
the biopsies were reviewed to determine the following: indication for biop
sy, location and size of the renal mass, needle gauge and type, number of n
eedle passes, and complications. Final cytologic and surgical pathologic re
cords were reviewed. Results. Thirty-six (82%) of the 44 biopsy specimens w
ere diagnostic. Aspirated smears were diagnostic in 24 (67%) of these cases
, with the diagnosis made on the basis of cell block alone in an additional
2 (6%). A definitive diagnosis came from core biopsy alone in 10 cases (28
%). The 18-gauge core needle yielded diagnostic results more reliably than
the 20-gauge core needle, and a significant correlation was seen between co
re biopsy needle size and the rate of diagnostic core samples (P = .017). P
athologic diagnoses included renal cell carcinoma (n = 18), lymphoma (n = 4
), oncocytic neoplasm (n = 4), transitional cell carcinoma (n = 2), angiomy
olipoma (n = 1), papillary cortical neoplasm (n = 1), and metastatic carcin
oma (n = 6). Complications were seen in 4 (9%) of 44 cases; all were treate
d conservatively. Conclusions. For specific clinical indications, sonograph
ically guided fine-needle aspiration and core biopsy of a solid renal mass
can be performed safely. In many cases, a definitive diagnosis can be made
on the basis of fine-needle aspiration alone. However, diagnosis may ultima
tely require core biopsy, for which 18-gauge core needles would be more rel
iably diagnostic than 20-gauge needles.