The objective of this study to determine the risk of in uteroprogressi
on of renal pelvis dilation when detected on antenatal ultrasound exam
ination. We reviewed 230 fetuses with evidence of renal pelvis dilatio
n. At least one exam was subsequently performed prior to delivery in a
ll cases. Renal pelvis dilation was defined as an anterior-posterior r
enal pelvis measurement >4 mm at < 32 weeks' and >7 mm at greater than
or equal to 32 weeks' gestation. Hydronephrosis was considered to be
present when the renal pelvis measured + 10 mm independent of gestatio
nal age. Multiple gestations and fetuses with additional congenital an
omalies were excluded. The mean gestational age at diagnosis was 24 we
eks. Renal pelvis dilation progressed to hydronephrosis in a total of
10.9% (25 of 230) of fetuses. There was a 3.3% chance of unilateral re
nal pelvis dilation progressing to hydronephrosis versus 26.0% in bila
teral dilation (OR 10.4 [95% Cl 3.5-33.3]). Or those fetuses with prog
ression, 80% had bilateral dilation (p < 0.0001). There was no differe
nce in progression between right and left kidneys. Additionally, gende
r, gestational age at diagnosis and delivery, and birth weight did not
differ between those fetuses with and without progression. The hydron
ephrosis in 7 of 25 (28%) regressed to pyelectasis on a subsequent ult
rasound exam. Thus, the overall rate of progression of renal pelvis di
lation to persistent hydronephrosis was 7.8% (18 of 230). In conclusio
n, the risk of isolated renal pelvis dilation progressing to hydroneph
rosis is low. Although bilateral pelvis dilation carries a higher risk
for progression, no fetus in our study required in utero intervention
. A follow up scan prior to delivery may be considered to identify tho
se fetuses who will require postpartum intervention.