Atd. Bennett et al., ULTRAVIOLET PLUMAGE COLORS PREDICT MATE PREFERENCES IN STARLINGS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United Statesof America, 94(16), 1997, pp. 8618-8621
Avian plumage has long been used to test theories of sexual selection,
with humans assessing the colors, However, many birds see in the ultr
aviolet (<400 nm), to which humans are blind, Consequently, it is impo
rtant to know whether natural variation in UV reflectance from plumage
functions in sexual signaling, We show that female starlings rank mal
es differently when UV wavelengths are present or absent, Principal co
mponent analysis of approximate to 1300 reflectance spectra (300-700 n
m) taken from sexually dimorphic plumage regions of males predicted pr
eference under the UV+ treatment. Under UV- conditions, females ranked
males in a different and nonrandom order, but plumage reflectance in
the human visible spectrum did not predict choice, Natural variation i
n UV reflectance is thus important in avian mate assessment, and the p
revailing light environment can have profound effects on observed mati
ng preferences.