Apoptosis is a word originally introduced by Kerr, Wyllie, and colleagues f
or a cell death process they defined in terms of its ultrastructural appear
ance in nonneuronal cells from various tissues. There are very few studies
providing detailed ultrastructural criteria for recognizing neuronal apopto
sis in the in vivo mammalian brain. In the absence of such criteria, the Ke
rr/Wyllie description pertaining to nonneuronal cells has served as a refer
ence standard. However, contemporary neurobiologists typically rely on cell
culture models for studying neuronal apoptosis, and these models are rarel
y validated ultrastructurally; rather they are assumed to be appropriate mo
dels based on unvalidated biochemical tests for apoptosis. Relying on evide
nce generated in such cell culture models or on nonspecific cytochemical te
sts applied to brain tissue, many authors have recently suggested that an a
poptotic mechanism may mediate neuronal death in a wide variety of human ne
urodegenerative diseases. Whether the cell death process in neurodegenerati
ve diseases meets ultrastructural criteria for apoptosis has been given ver
y little consideration. Recently, several methods have been described for t
riggering extensive apoptotic neurodegeneration in the developing in vivo m
ammalian brain. These methods include head trauma or treatment with several
types of drugs (NMDA antagonists, GABA, agonists, or ethanol). We have per
formed an ultrastructural analysis of the neuronal cell death process trigg
ered in the cerebral cortex and thalamus by these several methods and compa
red it with physiological cell death (PCD), a prototypic example of neurona
l apoptosis that occurs naturally in the developing brain. Our findings, wh
ich are reviewed herein, demonstrate that the types and sequence of changes
induced by each of the above methods are identical to those that character
ize PCD. This confirms that each of these methods produces bona fide in viv
o apoptotic neurodegeneration, and it signifies that our description of thi
s neuronal apoptotic process, which differs in some respects from the Kerr/
Wyllie description of nonneuronal apoptosis, can serve as a useful referenc
e standard for recognizing the characteristic changes that in vivo neurons
undergo when they are dying by an apoptotic mechanism. (C) 2001 Academic Pr