Background: Although polyneuropathy related to chronic alcoholism has been
reported frequently, its clinical features and pathogenesis remain to be cl
arified. Objective: To determine the clinicopathologic features and pathoge
nesis of alcoholic polyneuropathy associated with pain in patients with nor
mal thiamine status, particularly in comparison to beriberi neuropathy. Pat
ients and methods: Clinical, electrophysiologic, and histopathologic findin
gs were assessed in 18 patients with painful alcoholic polyneuropathy and n
ormal thiamine status. Results: Symmetric sensory-dominant polyneuropathy p
redominantly involving the lower limbs was the major clinical pattern. Pain
ful sensations with or without burning quality represented the initial and
major symptom. Progression of symptoms usually was gradual, continuing over
months or years. Electrophysiologic and pathologic findings mainly indicat
ed an axonal neuropathy. Densities of small myelinated fibers and unmyelina
ted fibers were more severely reduced than the density of large myelinated
fibers, except in patients with a long history of neuropathic symptoms and
marked axonal sprouting. Conclusions: The clinicopathologic features of pai
nful symptoms and small axon loss are distinct from those of beriberi neuro
pathy. Sensory-dominant involvement with prominent neuropathic pain is char
acteristic of alcoholic neuropathy when thiamine deficiency is not involved
, supporting the view of direct neurotoxic effect by alcohol or its metabol