Neutralization of the ion beam during ballistic transport in the target cha
mber is an important issue for Heavy Ion Fusion (HIF). The Gamble Il genera
tor at NRL was used to inject a 100 kA, 1 MeV, 50 ns proton beam into a vac
uum (similar to 10(-4) Torr) transport region. High-sensitivity laser inter
ferometry was used to measure the resulting electron density. Efficient bea
m transport is only possible for these beam parameters if electrons are ext
racted from the walls to provide a significant degree of charge and current
neutralization. Complete neutralization could be obtained with an electron
population co-moving with the ions and at the same density as the beam. Th
e measured line-integrated electron density has the same time dependence an
d magnitude as the proton beam. A numerical simulation of the experimental
arrangement produced results in reasonable agreement with the measurements.
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