Low energy beam transport (LEBT) for a heavy ion inertial fusion (HIDIF, I.
Hofmann and G. Plass, Report of the European Study Group on Heavy Ion Driv
en Inertial Fusion for the Period 1995-1998) facility suffers from high spa
ce charge forces and high ion mass. Space charge compensation reduces the n
ecessary focusing force of the lenses and the radius of the beam in the LEB
T, and therefrom the emittance growth due to aberrations and self fields is
reduced. Gabor lenses (D. Gabor, Nature 160 (1947)) providing a stable spa
ce charge cloud for focusing and combine strong cylinder symmetric focusing
with partly space charge compensation and low emittance growth. A high tol
erance against source noise and current fluctuations and reduced investment
costs could be other possible advantages. The proof of principle has alrea
dy been demonstrated (J.A. Palkovic, Measurements on a Gabor lens for Neutr
alizing and Focusing a 30 keV Proton beam, University of Wisconsin, Madison
, 1989; J. Pozimski, P. Gross, R. Dolling and T. Weis, First experimental s
tudies of a Gabor plasma-lens in Frankfurt, Proceedings of the 3rd EPAC Con
ference, Berlin, 1992). To broaden the experiences and to investigate the r
ealisation of a LEBT concept for the HIDIF injector an experimental program
using two Gabor lenses for independent variation of beam radius and envelo
pe angel at RFQ injection was started. Therefrom the first experimental res
ults using a double Gabor lens (DGPL) LEBT system for transporting an high
perveance Xe+ beam are presented and the results of numerical simulations a
re shown. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.