We employ the chiral nucleon-nucleon potential derived using the method of
unitary transformation up to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) to study
hound and scattering states in the two-nucleon system. The predicted partia
l wave phase shifts and mixing parameters for higher energies and higher an
gular momenta beyond tile ones which are fitted are mostly well described f
or energies below 300 MeV. Various deuteron properties are discussed. We al
so apply the next-to-leading order (NLO) potential to 3N and 4N systems. Th
e resulting 3N and 4N binding energies are in the same range that is found
using standard NN potentials. Experimental low-energy 3N scattering observa
bles are also very well reproduced like for standard NN forces. Surprisingl
y the long standing A, puzzle is resolved at NLO. The cut-off dependence of
the scattering observables is rather mild.