Several studies have shown that targets defined on the basis of the spatial
relations between objects yield highly inefficient visual search performan
ce (e.g., Logan, 1994; Palmer, 1994), suggesting that the apprehension of s
patial relations may require the selective allocation of attention within t
he scene. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that depth relatio
ns might be different in this regard and might support efficient visual sea
rch. This hypothesis was based, in part, on the fact that many perceptual o
rganization processes that are believed to occur early and in parallel, suc
h as figure-ground segregation and perceptual completion, seem to depend on
the assignment of depth relations. Despite this, however, using increasing
ly salient cues to depth (Experiments 2-4) and including a separate test of
the sufficiency of the most salient depth cue used (Experiment 5), no evid
ence was found to indicate that search for a target defined by depth relati
ons is any different than search for a target defined by other types of spa
tial relations, with regard to efficiency of search. These findings are dis
cussed within the context of the larger literature on early processing of t
hree-dimensional characteristics of visual scenes.