Charge transport properties of vapor grown C-60 Single crystals are investi
gated in the temperature range from 5-300 K by field-effect transistor and
space charge limited current measurements in vacuum. Room temperature mobil
ities of 2.1 and 1.8 cm(2)/Vs are observed for holes and electrons, respect
ively. Moreover, the mobilities increase with decreasing temperature follow
ing a power law behavior (proportional toT-(1.6)). Values as high as 60 (el
ectrons) and 95 cm(2)/Vs (holes) are achieved at low temperatures. The disc
ontinuity around 255 K is ascribed to the first-order phase transition of C
60 The pronounced electric field dependence can be explained by acoustic ph
onon scattering. Hence, we conclude, that band-like charge transport in del
ocalized states rather than hopping motion can be assumed as intrinsic char
ge transport mechanism in undoped C-60.