Lattice sites and annealing behavior of implanted N-12 in semi-insulating Z
nSe are investigated by use of beta radiation detected nuclear magnetic res
onance (P-NMR). For room-temperature implantation only a small part of the
N impurities is found at sites with full T-d symmetry; this fraction is att
ributed to, substitutional N-Se. Above 500 K the population of this site in
creases and saturates at a 10 times higher value for T greater than or equa
l to 950 K. This increase is assigned to the change of initially interstiti
al N (N-i), isolated or part of a complex, to unperturbed N-Se. An activati
on barrier E-a = 0.47(5) eV is determined for this process representing an
upper limit for the N-i migration energy. We do not observe configurations
where N-Se is bound to a diamagnetic partner, like the (V-Se-Zn-N-Se)(+) co