The effectiveness of reduced fungicide programs, using either extended appl
ication intervals or alternate-row middle (ARM) spraying of wettable sulfur
or captan, on infection of peach fruit by Cladosporium carpophilum was inv
estigated in a 2-year study in Georgia. Fungicide reductions focused on the
midseason cover spray period when scab pressure is typically reduced and w
hen growers would be most likely to adopt reduced spray programs because of
the potential for fewer insecticide applications at the same time. In an e
xperimental orchard, sulfur was applied at calyx split and calyx fall, foll
owed by another application of sulfur or captan at first cover. Subsequent
midseason applications consisted of sulfur at 12- to 14-day intervals (stan
dard); sulfur at extended 24- to 28-day intervals; or either sulfur or capt
an applied via ARM spraying at 12- to 14-day intervals at reduced sprayer s
peed. Plots without midseason sprays after first cover also were included.
Fruit scab severity was reduced by all fungicide programs compared with the
untreated control. Disease severity with sulfur applied at extended interv
als and with ARM spraying of sulfur or captan was not significantly differe
nt from that of the standard (P > 0.05) in both years, suggesting that appl
ication intensity during midseason can be reduced without compromising scab
control. By contrast, plots that did not receive any midseason sprays afte
r first cover had significantly more disease. Reduced midseason application
s of sulfur were further evaluated in two commercial orchards. In one orcha
rd, fruit scab control achieved with extended-interval or ARM spraying duri
ng midseason was not significantly different from that of the grower standa
rd. In the second orchard, higher disease severity resulted from midseason
ARM applications compared with the standard, presumably because of the long
er (14- to 18-day) spray interval used by the cooperating grower for ARM sp
raying. Reduced midseason fungicide programs did not lead to an increased c
arryover of inoculum as determined by conidial counts on overwintered twigs
at petal fall in the following year.