The mass-losing secondaries in cataclysmic binaries are progressively whitt
led away by the ongoing loss of angular momentum. The expected rate of evol
ution implies that the binaries should spend most of their lives at very sh
ort orbital period, with light secondaries (<0.08 M-.). But compared to the
nearby white M dwarf and accretion disk, these secondaries are effectively
dark, so it has been quite difficult to learn anything about them from obs
ervation. Here we show that for dwarf novae, the majority species, the mass
ratios can be measured from simple photometric observations of "superhumps
," using equipment commonly possessed by amateur astronomers. The technique
basically involves measuring the apsidal precession rate of the accretion
disk and, thus, has the merit of being purely dynamical, requiring no actua
l detection of light from the secondary. The results reaffirm what we have
known for a long time-that most secondaries are near the main sequence-but
also show that near the end of the main sequence at 0.08 M-., the secondari
es are significantly larger. This bloating, M possibly due to an extra angu
lar momentum sink in the binary, sets the value of the minimum orbital peri
od for H-rich binaries to be 76-80 minutes. Seven stars are found with seco
ndaries in the mass range 0.014-0.06. M-..