A 70-year-old woman treated for sarcoidosis complained of progressive cogni
tive impairment and gait disability. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brai
n revealed a nonenhancing lesion in T1-weighted imaging in the left parieto
-occipital region and sarcoidosis of the central nervous system was evoked.
However, she rapidly deteriored with posterior and cerebellar extension of
the lesions, suggesting of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML
). DNA of the JC virus (JCV) was detected in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
by a polymerase chain reaction. Despite antiviral therapy, she died nine mo
nths after the first neurological signs. This case illustrates the possible
association between sarcoidosis and PML, and underlines the interest to de
tect the presence of JCV in the CSF when the diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis
appeared uncertain.