A map with 51 markers ( 46 RFLPs and five isozymes) was constructed using a
n interspecific F-2 population between 'Garfi' almond (Prunus amygdalus Bat
sch.) and 'Nemared' peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.]. This map was devel
oped by selecting markers covering most of the distance of the eight linkag
e groups from previously constructed Prunus maps. The markers studied in th
is population mapped to seven linkage groups instead of the eight expected
in Prunus. Markers belonging to groups 6 and 8 in previous maps formed a si
ngle group in the 'Garfi' x 'Nemared' F-2 and several marker pairs placed i
n different groups in other maps exhibited tight linkages. The study of pol
len fertility and chromosome behavior during meiosis in the F-1 generation
allowed us to confirm the hypothesis that a reciprocal translocation exists
between 'Garfi' and 'Nemared'. Based on independent evidence of linkage be
tween markers and pollen fertility data in the F-2 population, we concluded
that the breakpoint of the reciprocal translocation was placed between mar
kers AC50 and AG26A in group 6 and between markers AG112A and FG230A in gro
up 8.