Heading time (HT, days from sowing to heading) is an important agronomic tr
ait in rice. Physiologically, HT can be divided into two stages: vegetative
growth time (VGT) and reproductive growth time (RGT). A number of studies
for mapping QTLs conferring HT in rice have been reported, but none of them
has tried to map MT-related QTLs based on their component traits (VGT and
RGT). The present study aims to map MT-related QTLs in rice according not o
nly to the performance of HT, but also the performances of VGT and RGT. A m
ethod based on an empirical equation of leaf age growth was developed to pa
rtition HT into VGT and RGT. An indica/japonica DH population and a corresp
onding RFLP map were constructed for the study. The methods of composite in
terval mapping and multiple-trait composite interval mapping were used to m
ap QTLs. A total of 19 QTLs were mapped on all 12 rice chromosomes with the
exception of chromosomes 1 and 4. Results showed that: (1)more QTLs could
be detected by partitioning HT into VGT and RGT; (2) the genetic variation
of HT was largely attributed to VGT; and (3) the two component stages were
relatively independent in terms of QTL effects, suggesting that the ratio b
etween VGT and RGT could be genetically adjusted without apparently alterin
g HT.