We relax the assumption that priors are common knowledge, in the standard m
odel of games of incomplete information. We make the realistic assumption t
hat the players are boundedly rational: they base their actions on finite-o
rder belief hierarchies. When the different layers of beliefs are independe
nt of each other, we can retain Harsanyi's type-space, and we can define st
raightforward generalizations of Bayesian Nash Equilibrium (BNE) and Ration
alizability in our context. Since neither of these concepts is quite satisf
actory, we propose a hybrid concept, Mirage Equilibrium, providing us with
a practical tool to work with inconsistent belief hierarchies. When the dif
ferent layers of beliefs are correlated, we must enlarge the type-space to
include the parametric beliefs. This presents us with the difficulty of the
inherent openness of finite belief subspaces. Appealing to bounded rationa
lity once more, we posit that the players believe that their opponent holds
a belief hierarchy one layer shorter than they do and we provide alternati
ve generalizations of BNE and Rationalizability. Finally, we show that, whe
n beliefs are degenerate point beliefs, the definition of Mirage Equilibriu
m coincides with that of the generalized BNE.