Phylogenies of closely interacting groups, such as hosts and parasites, are
seldom completely congruent. Incongruence can arise from biologically mean
ingful differences in the histories of the two groups, or can be generated
by artifactual differences that are merely the result of incorrect phylogen
ies with weakly supported nodes. We present a method that distinguishes bet
ween these sources of incongruence and identifies lineages that are respons
ible for significant differences between phylogenies. We use the logic of c
onditional combination in that we first test for statistically significant
incongruence using the partition homogeneity test. Then we remove all possi
ble combinations of taxa until a non-significant result of this test is ach
ieved. Finally, we construct a 'combined evidence' phylogeny and then repos
ition the incongruent taxa. This method produces trees for final comparison
using reconciliation methods, but it includes only as many incongruence ev
ents as can be statistically justified from the data sets. We apply this me
thod to a host-parasite (gopher-louse) data set and identify many fewer inc
ongruence events than do topology based analyses alone. Our method is broad
ly applicable to comparisons of phylogenies of interacting taxa, such as ho
sts and parasites, or mutualists. The method should also be useful for othe
r problems involving comparisons of phylogenies, such as multiple gene tree
s or cladistic biogeography.