Given current prognostic and therapeutic implications, the accurate classif
ication and grading of oligodendroglial neoplasms has become critical. Howe
ver, the prevalence of morphologically ambiguous gliomas, subjective histol
ogic criteria, personal biases, oligodendroglioma mimics, and the lack of s
pecific oligodendroglioma markers has led to high interobserver variability
and created a contentious problem encountered daily in active surgical neu
ropathology practices. Since histologic assessment is still a powerful prog
nosticator, it appropriately remains the diagnostic gold standard. However,
recent efforts have focused on identifying the most reproducible and clini
cally relevant criteria, standardizing classification and grading: schemes,
and searching for useful ancillary biologic and genetic markers capable of
further stratifying an otherwise heterogenous patient population. This pap
er reviews the morphologic and genetic spectrum of oligodendroglial neoplas
ms, recent diagnostic and prognostic developments, and potential future dir