There has been remarkable progress in the devel opment of high peak-po
wer ultrafast lasers in recent years. Lasers capable of generating ter
awatt peak powers with unprecedented short pulse durations can now be
built on a single optical table in a small laboratory. The rapid techn
ological progress has made possible a host of new scientific advances
in high-field science, such as the generation of coherent femtosecond
X-ray pulses, and the generation of MeV-energy electron beams and high
-energy ions. In this paper, we review progress in the development and
design of ultrafast high-power lasers based on Ti:sapphire, including
the ultrafast laser oscillators that are a very important enabling te
chnology for high-power ultrafast systems, and ultrafast amplified las
er systems that generate 20 fs duration pulses with several watts aver
age power at kilohertz repetition-rates. Ultrafast waveform measuremen
ts of these pulses demonstrate that such short pulses can be generated
with high fidelity. Finally, we discuss applications of ultrafast hig
h-power pulses, including the generation of femtosecond to attosecond
X-ray pulses.