The rapid decline in the extent and health of coastal salt marshes has
created a need for nondestructive methods for evaluating the conditio
n of salt marsh ecosystems. This paper describes simultaneous uses of
held sampling and remote sensing approaches to understand salt marsh e
cosystem functions and species distributions and discusses the implica
tions for salt marsh monitoring using remote sensing. Three sites alon
g the Petaluma River near the entrance into San Pablo Bay, California,
which represented a range of soil salinity, water content, and nutrie
nts, were studied. Standing biomass was directly assessed by field sam
pling and indirectly estimated through canopy reflectance. The sites w
ere dominated by almost monotypic stands of Salicornia virginica, Spar
tina foliosa, and Scirpus robustus. For Salicornia, we found a positiv
e relationship between salinity and biomass up to a threshold of 42 g/
kg, after which biomass declined monotonically with increasing salinit
y. No Scirpus or Spartina were found at soil salinities >20 g/kg. Alth
ough significantly different levels of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen w
ere found in the interstitial water and soils at these sites, no stron
g relationships were found between biomass and nitrate nitrogen. Soil
ammonium nitrogen, in contrast, was positively related to biomass. Soi
l redox and salinity increased with elevation and distance from the sh
oreline, while soil moisture and H2S decreased. Canopy biomass was est
imable using remotely sensed spectral vegetation indices at 58-80% acc
uracy depending on. species. Simple Vegetation Index (VI) and Atmosphe
rically Resistant Vegetation Index (ARVI) measured by handheld field s
pectrometers were the best estimators of green biomass for high cover
of Salicornia. Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) and Soil Adjusted
and Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index (SARVI) gave the best
estimates for Spartina while the Global Environment Monitoring Index (
GEMI) was the best estimate for Scirpus. The relationships between veg
etation indices and biomass were developed from field spectra. The VI
was used to estimate spatial patterns of biomass across the salt marsh
from Landsat satellite Thematic Mapper (TM) data. The TM image showed
spatial patterns corresponding with species zones and biomass abundan
ce. Narrow band reflectance features measured with a handheld spectrom
eter can be used to predict canopy plant water content (R-2 = 63%). In
terpolated estimates of water content from field-measured canopy refle
ctance were shown to relate to variation in salinity and soil moisture
. Canopy water content was estimated from Airborne Advanced Visible In
frared Imaging Spectrometer data, which showed similar spatial pattern
s at the site. Results indicate that both biomass production and canop
y water content can be accurately determined from remotely sensed spec
tral measures. Species-specific differences in these characteristics m
ay be used for monitoring species distribution and abundance from airb
orne or satellite images.