Incubation of Jurkat cells in the presence of H2O2 either directly added to
the culture medium or generated with glucose oxidase. menadione or the cou
ple xanthinr/xanthine oxidase induced a marked decrease of phosphatidylseri
ne synthesis in the absence of changes in the synthesis of phosphatidylchol
ine and phosphatidylethanolamine. Concentration dependent response curves i
ndicated that H2O2 induced inhibition of phosphatidylserine synthesis with
an IC50 = 5 muM while both induction of tyrosine phosphorylation of protein
s and Ca2+ signals were obtained with an EC50 = 300 muM. The tyrosine kinas
e and Ca2+ independent mechanism was confirmed by comparing the H2O-induced
and the CD3-induced inhibition of phosphatidylserine synthesis using sever
al Jurkat clones differing in the expression of cell surface receptors such
as CD3/TCR and CD45 and protein tyrosine kinase such as p72(syk) ZAP-70 an
d p56(ick). While CD3-induced inhibition of phosphatidylserine synthesis ne
cessitates protein tyrosine phosphorylation and Ca2+ signals, H2O2 provoked
its effect in all the clones studied independently of the presence or abse
nce of the proteins previously shown to be key elements in T cell signal tr
ansduction. Conversely. the antioxidant molecule, butylated hydroxanisole,
generates an increased PtdSer synthesis, suggesting that the synthesis of t
his phospholipid is regulated by the redox status of the cells. (C) 2001 El
sevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.