A method for generating angular forces around a-bonded transition metal ion
s is generalized to treat pi -bonded configurations. The theoretical approa
ch is based on an analysis of ligand-field and small-cluster Hamiltonians b
ased on the moments of the electron state distribution. The functional form
s that are obtained involve a modification of the usual expression of the b
inding energy as a sum of ligand-ligand interactions, which, however, requi
res very little increase in CPU time. The angular interactions have simple
forms involving sin and cos functions, whose relative weights depend on whe
ther the ligands are sigma- or pi -bonded. They describe the ligand-field s
tabilization energy to an accuracy of about 10%, and the interaction energy
of covalently bonded systems to an accuracy of better than 4%. The resulti
ng functional forms for the force field are used to model the structure of
small clusters, including fragments of the copper blue protein structure. L
arge deviations from the typical square copper coordination are found when
pi -bonded ligands are present.