The Spanish Bonelli's Eagle populations have decreased markedly because of
high mortality. We recorded 424 cases of dead eagles between 1990 and 1998
in Spain which after cross-comparison corresponded to 377 individuals. Elec
trocution (55% of deaths), followed by direct persecution (26%) were the ma
in causes of death. No differences in the cause of death were found between
sexes. Non-adult eagles mostly died of electrocution whereas adults were m
ainly the victims of persecution. A log-linear model showed that these diff
erences were associated with a difference in tire spatial distribution of a
ge classes, rather than to age or experience per se. Persecution ions the m
ain cause of death in breeding areas and electrocution in non-breeding aura
s. There were differences between regions: electrocution ions the main caus
e in Catalonia and Central Spain (50% and 86% respectively) whereas direct
persecution was the main cause in Levant and Northern Spain (52% and 43% re
spectively). We recommend that steps are taken in order to reduce eagle mor
tality, taking into account the differences between regions and areas.