We investigated if the foliar nutrient levels of trees, a proxy for tree nu
trition, are closely related to the nutrient content of forest soils. In ad
dition we investigated if the Yield Class, a proxy for the general growing
conditions of a stand, is related to two common soil chemical indicators, t
he C:N ratio and the base saturation. We used a subset of the data from the
Austrian Forest Monitoring System (WBS). Our analysis was restricted to si
tes on non-calcareous parent rock, where stands are dominated by Norway spr
uce (Picea abies). Overall, the relation between tree nutrition, Yield Clas
s, and soil chemical data was weak. Obviously spruce is able to extract the
required sufficient amounts of nutrients at a wide range of soil chemical
conditions. Spruce efficiently scavenges nutrients over a wide range of soi
l chemical conditions. Even on poor sites high foliar nutrient levels can b
e maintained, because nutrients taken up are kept in a tight biogeochemical
cycle. We conclude that soil chemical conditions are weak predictors of th
e Yield Class. Other factors, such as climate and water relations, seem to
exert a larger influence on the nutrition and growth rate of spruce forests