Objectives To investigate the nature of the common epitopes of Schistosoma
japonicum ( S. japonicum) circulating anodic (CAA) and circulating cathodic
antigen (CCA) and to try to obtain sufficient purified material to set up
a standard series for quantitative determinations.
Methods Isolation of the two worm fractions from a trichloroacetic acid (TC
A) soluble preparation of S, japonicum adult worm antigen (AWAj-TCA) via Mo
no-Q anion exchange chromatography was performed and analysis of specific r
eactivity of the eluted fractions was done by antigen-capture Enzyme Linked
Immune Sorbent Assay (ELISA) specific for CAA or CCA with reference to aff
inity purified preparations of S. mansoni CAA and CCA.
Results When an ionic strength gradient was used, CCA was eluted in two maj
or peaks, an unbound fraction CCA-1, and a major bound fraction, CCA-2. Two
additional minor peaks, CCA-3 and CCA-4, were eluted at higher ionic stren
gths. CAA was only detected in the bound fraction, partly overlapping with
CCA-3. In the CCA-1 and CCA-2 fractions, reactivity was only found in the a
ntigen-capture ELISA using anti-CCA McAbs both for capture and detection. T
he CAA fraction was predominantly found to be positive in the antigen-captu
re ELISA using anti-CAA McAbs both for capture and detection. However, in E
LISA using combined anti-CCA and anti-CAA McAbs for capture and detection,
this fraction showed some reactivity.
Conclusion The two CCA fractions contain molecules which bear at least two
CCA-epitopes; the CAA fraction contains molecules which contain at least tw
o CAA-epitopes, and one CCA-epitope.