The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of sacroiliitis in a gr
oup of patients with Behcet's disease (BD). Pelvic X-rays of 27 patients wi
th ED responding to the International Study Group of ED and 30 controls(15
AS and 15 sciatica) were read blind and sacroiliac involvement was graded a
ccording to the New York criteria. In a second step, patients or controls w
ith equivocal sacroiliitis had a sacroiliac CT scan. Two patients with ED (
7.4%) and all patients with AS had evident bilateral sacroiliitis (at least
grade 2). One patient with ED and two patients with sciatica had equivocal
sacroiliitis (grade I). CT confirmed sacroiliitis in the two patients with
ED and eliminated inflammatory sacroiliitis in the three other patients wi
th equivocal sacroiliitis showing mild degenerative lesions. A review of th
e literature showed that sacroiliitis and AS are rarely associated with ED.
There remains insufficient evidence to suggest that sacroiliitis is an int
rinsic feature of ED and that ED belongs to the group of SpA.