Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) serve as an valuable model animal
for several infectious diseases of medical and veterinary importance. Reag
ents available for characterization of the immune response of Mongolian ger
bils are strictly limited. We describe three novel murine monoclonal antibo
dies (mAbs) to dendritic cells of Mongolian gerbils. These include HUSM-M.g
.11 of IgG2b isotype, HUSM-M.g.20 of IgG2a isotype, and HUSM-M.g.30 of IgG1
isotype. All of these mAbs had an identical profile of immunohistochemical
reactions with various tissues taken from immune-naive Mongolian gerbils,
and were intensively expressed on dendritic cells, including epidermal Lang
erhans cells, B-cell follicles, and the thymic reticulum. Positive reaction
s of the epidermis and intestinal mucosa with these mAbs were induced by cu
taneous or intestinal infections with parasites. Competitive enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay and immunoblot analysis (western blotting) indicated th
at all of these mAbs recognize an identical peptide epitope on a molecule w
ith approximate molecular mass of 29 kDa. These data suggest that the mAbs
recognize major histocompatibility complex class-II molecules of gerbils. U
se of described mAbs would facilitate characterization of immune responses
as well as investigations on host responses to infections of medical and ve
terinary importance, using the gerbil model.