The cancer patient often presents with fever and pulmonary infiltrates, in
particular during the course of chemotherapy or after bone marrow transplan
tation. In these conditions, specific diagnoses are mainly related to an in
fective cause, but noninfectious processes, malignant or not, are also foun
d alone or in combination with infection. Identification of the pulmonary p
rocess can be achieved by bronchoscopic techniques, including bronchoalveol
ar lavage (BAL) and transbronchial biopsy (TBB), BAL may help identify oppo
rtunistic organisms but also bacterial pneumonia, provided quantitative cul
tures are performed, and TBB has been shown to increase the diagnostic yiel
d of BAL. These two procedures should then be combined, provided there is n
o contraindication. (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.