Objectives: To determine the prevalence of the medial depression of mandibu
lar ramus (MDMR) in dry human mandibles and in clinical panoramic radiograp
hs and to compare the prevalence in dentoskeletal deformities with Angle Cl
ass I occlusion.
Methods: Two hundred and fifty-one dry skulls and three groups of patients
were used for this study: Group 1 consisted of 1358 panoramic radiographs f
rom a general population, Group 2, 426 radiographs from individuals with An
gle class I occlusion and Group 3283 individuals with dentoskeletal deformi
ties. The prevalence of MDMR was determined in the skulls and each group an
d the shape from the radiographs alone.
Results: The prevalence of MDMR in dry mandibles was 33.9% (bilateral in 13
.1% and unilateral in 20.8%). MDMR was found in 276 radiographs (20.3% - Gr
oup 1 - bilateral in 40% and unilateral in 59.5%). MDMR was more common in
Group 3 compared with Group 2 (chi (2) = 35.98 P < 0.01). A triangular MDMR
was the most frequent (39.7%).
Conclusion: MDMR is a relatively common finding in panoramic radiographs. P
atients with dentoskeletal deformities have a higher prevalence of MDMR and
this should be taken into consideration if orthognathic surgery is propose