Continuous glucose monitoring, providing more detailed information on gluco
se excursions than single spot measurements, should help to improve the the
rapy in diabetic patients and is also required for feedback-controlled insu
lin delivery. At the Institute for Diabetes-Technology in Ulm, founded by E
F Pfeiffer, a portable glucose sensor for continuous tissue glucose monitor
ing has been developed. The combination of microdialysis and enzymatic ampe
rometric glucose measurement implemented in this device marked a break-thro
ugh in achieving reliable and precise continuous tissue glucose monitoring.
In several studies, we have demonstrated that continuous subcutaneous gluc
ose monitoring for up to 72 hours is feasible under 'in-house' and 'daily l
ife' conditions in diabetic patients. The measured tissue glucose concentra
tions correlated closely to glucose control measurements in venous and capi
llary blood. A reliable continuous glucose monitoring device is a prerequis
ite for the development of an artificial pancreas. Our group developed an a
lgorithm for subcutaneous application of the fast acting insulin analogon l
ispro. In experiments performed over 7 and 24 hours good metabolic control
was achieved by algorithm-based insulin application. In addition, the algor
ithm was able to maintain acceptable metabolic control during and after mod
erate physical exercise. Further work is needed to optimize continuous tiss
ue glucose monitoring systems and to develop a closed loop system for insul
in application based on continuously measured tissue glucose concentrations