Videoconferencing is an important global application-it enables people arou
nd the globe to interact when distance separates them. In order for the par
ticipants in a videoconference call to interact naturally, the end-to-end d
elay should he below human perception; even though an objective and unique
figure cannot be set, 100 ms is widely recognized as the desired one-way de
lay requirement for interaction. Since the global propagation delay can be
about 100 ms, the actual end-to-end delay budget available to the system de
signer (excluding propagation delay) can be Ilo more than IO ms. We identif
y the components of the end-to-end delay in various configurations with the
objective of understanding how it can be kept below the desired IO-ms boun
We analyze these components step-by-step through six system configurations
obtained by combining three generic network architectures with two video en
coding schemes. We study the transmission of ra,tr video and variable bit r
ate (VBR) MPEG video encoding over 1) circuit switching; 2) synchronous pac
ket switching; and 3) asynchronous packet switching. In addition, we show t
hat constant bit rate (CBR) MPEG encoding delivers unacceptable delay-on th
e order of the group of pictures (GOP) time interval-when maximizing qualit
y for static scenes.
This study aims at showing that having a global common time reference, toge
ther with time-driven priority (TDP) and VER MPEG video encoding, provides
adequate end-to-end delay, which is 1) below 10 ms; 2) independent of the n
etwork instant load; and 3) independent of the connection rate. The resulti
ng end-to-end delay (excluding propagation delay) can be smaller than the v
ideo frame period, which is better than what can be obtained with circuit s