Using a previously introduced model on generalized Lotka-Volterra dynamics
together with some recent results for the solution of generalized Langevin
equations, we derive analytically the equilibrium mean field solution for t
he probability distribution of wealth and show that it has two characterist
ic regimes. For large values of wealth, it takes the form of a Pareto style
power law. For small values of wealth, w less than or equal to w(m), the d
istribution function tends sharply to zero. The origin of this law lies in
the random multiplicative process built into the model. Whilst such results
have been known since the time of Gibrat, the present framework allows for
a stable power law in an arbitrary and irregular global dynamics, so long
as the market is "fair", i.e., there is no net advantage to any particular
group or individual.
We further show that the dynamics of relative wealth is independent of the
specific nature of the agent interactions and exhibits a universal characte
r even though the total wealth may follow an arbitrary and complicated dyna
In developing the theory, we draw parallels with conventional thermodynamic
s and derive for the system some new relations for the "thermodynamics" ass
ociated with the Generalized Lotka-Volterra type of stochastic dynamics. Th
e power law that arises in the distribution function is identified with new
additional logarithmic terms in the familiar Boltzmann distribution functi
on for the system. These are a direct consequence of the multiplicative sto
chastic dynamics and are absent for the usual additive stochastic processes