There is increasing evidence that erythropoietin (Epo) has a protective fun
ction in cerebral ischemia. When used for treatment, high Epo plasma levels
associated with increases in blood viscosity, however, may counteract bene
ficial effects of Epo in brain ischemia. The authors generated two transgen
ic mouse lines that overexpress human Epo preferentially, but not exclusive
ly, in neuronal cells. In mouse line tg21, a fourfold increase of Epo prote
in level was found in brain only, whereas line tg6 showed a dramatic increa
se of cerebral and systemic transgene expression resulting in hematocrit le
vels of 80%. Cerebral blood flow (CBF), as determined by bolus tracking mag
netic resonance imaging, was not altered in the tg6 line. The time-to-peak
interval for the tracer, however, increased approximately threefold in poly
globulic tg6 mice. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed an increase in dil
ated vessels in tg6 mice, providing an explanation for unaltered CBF in pol
yglobulic animals. Permanent occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (pMCAO
) led to similar perfusion deficits in wild-type, tg6, and tg21 mice. Compa
red with wild-type controls, infarct volumes were not significantly smaller
(22%) in tg21 animals 24 hours after pMCAO, but were 49% enlarged (P < 0.0
5) in polyglobulic tg6 mice. In the latter animals, elevated numbers of Mac
-1 immunoreactive cells in infarcted tissue suggested that leukocyte infilt
ration contributed to enlarged infarct volume. The current results indicate
that moderately increased brain levels of Epo in tg21 transgenic mice were
not sufficient to provide significant tissue protection after pMCAO. The r
esults with tg6 mice indicate that systemic chronic treatment with Epo asso
ciated with elevated hematocrit might deteriorate outcome after stroke eith
er because of the elevated hematocrit or other chronic effects.