A mechanism of the formation of an exponentially large number of metastable
states in magnetic phases of disordered Ising magnets as a result of conde
nsation of fractal delocalized modes near the localization threshold is sug
gested. The thermodynamic properties of metastable states are studied in th
e effective-field approximation in the vicinity of transitions in magnets w
ith zero uniform magnetization in the ground state such as dilute antiferro
magnets, spin glasses, and dilute ferromagnets with dipole interaction. The
se properties are shown to determine the parameters of nonequilibrium proce
sses in the glassy phase, namely, the shape of the hysteresis loop, the the
rmodynamic values in field-cooled and zero-field-cooled regimes, and the th
ermoremanent and isothermal remanent magnetization values. (C) 2001 MAIK "N
auka/ Interperiodica".