Inadequate cognitions concerning the perception and interpretation of
bodily sensations are considered to play an important role for the dev
elopment of the somatization syndrome. This was studied by means of th
e newly developed ''Attitudes Towards Body and Health Questionnaire''.
Five main dimensions could be differentiated by factor analysis in a
sample of 484 inpatients: catastrophizing cognitions, intolerance of b
odily complaints, bodily weakness, autonomic sensations, and health ha
bits. The instrument was completed by 159 patients with a somatization
syndrome, 30 patients with other mental disorders and 101 healthy con
trols. Elevated mean scores were found exclusively in the somatization
group for catastrophizing cognitions and intolerance of bodily compla
ints. Bodily weakness and autonomic sensations were more severe in the
somatizing group as compared to both comparison group. The scales of
our questionnaire were correlated positively with other measures of so
matization and hypochondriasis, and three of the scales improved durin
g the course of an inpatient treatment: lasting several weeks.