Due to the extensive amount of data suggesting the hazards of these compoun
ds, 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are on the Environmental Pro
tection Agency (EPA) Priority Pollutant List. Emissions of these PAHs in th
e flue gas from the combustion of four coals were measured during four 1000
h combustion runs using the 0.1 MW heat-input (MWth) bench-scale fluidized
bed combustor (FBC). An on-line sampling system was designed for the 16 PA
Hs, which consisted of a glass wool filter, condenser, glass fiber filter,
Teflon filter, and a Tenax trap. The filters and Tenax were extracted by me
thylene chloride and hexane, respectively, followed by GC/MS analysis using
the selective ion monitoring (SIM) mode. In this project, the effects of o
perating parameters, limestone addition, chlorine content in the coal, and
Ca/S molar ratio on the emissions of PAHs were studied. The results indicat
ed that the emissions of PAHs in an FBC system are primarily dependent on t
he combustion temperature and excess air ratio. The injection of secondary
air with high velocity in the freeboard effectively reduces PAH emissions.
The addition of extra limestone can promote the formation of PAHs in the FB
C system. Chlorine in the coal can possibly lead to large benzene ring PAH
formation during combustion. The total PAH emission increases with an incre
ase in the sulfur content of coal. Incomplete combustion results in PAHs wi
th four or more benzene rings. High efficiency combustion results in PAHs w
ith two or three benzene rings. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights r